Sunday, May 16, 2010

So, Whilst my laptop was "out of order" I did some soul searching, or maybe a more apt phrase would be that I took a proper look at my reality and realised some things.
1. There is about zero chance of me being accepted into LCF.
2. This sort of makes me happy/relieved?...
Ok, so yes it would be brilliant/amazing/WOWWWWW if I were to be accepted, but alas it is a dream and will probably remain just that.
My soul searching made me think about other things that interest me, (currently very unhappy in employment need to be happy, interested=happy) I like, pretty things, like; glass atomisers, tea cups, silk flowers, high heels, vases, nice furniture. Also like; coffee, dainty pastries and biscuits, good wine, recipe books, inspirational quote books and odd things you discover you like on travels such as Italian toothpaste and Old Honey Vodka called Krupnik from Poland.
I think my calling is to provide.
Provide people with things they can't find anywhere else.
If only life were so simple.
Love Francesca xoxo

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